the definition of vows

Published: Nov. 4, 2022.

Words: 100.

Chapters: 1/1.


"Kamishiro, you're married?"

A question and point from one of Rio's university acquaintances, both directed at the gray ring on her left hand.

On AO3.

"Kamishiro, you're married?"

A question and point from one of Rio's university acquaintances, both directed at the gray ring on her left hand. It reflects the noon sunshine with a dull glint as she and a few classmates sit on the campus lawn.

She holds her hand up as if in consideration.

It would be lying to say yes. For all she and Ryouga are committed, Japan's laws prohibit a legal union between them. But it also wouldn't be lying to say no. If she can recall her life as Merag, why shouldn't her bond with Nasch hold true.
